
  • Moon & Sun at 23° Scorpio (third decan = mastery, wisdom, understanding)
  • Moon & Sun sextile Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto Energy
  • Mars direct at 15° Aries (finally!)
  • Venus at 22° Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus

– Intimacy, vulnerability, open and truthful about who we are now.
– Breakout energy
– Resurgence of Soul & Purpose
– Feeling of powerlessness that transformed us.
– Trust your process. Understand that even when you don’t realize it, you are being guided by your energy. When tuned-in and present, you are actively engaging in your inner guidance.
– Maturity and higher understanding of goals and ambitions.
– What is sacred to you?
– What are your fears? Why? Remain present.
– What have you discovered about yourself and your life in 2020? What have you transformed?
– What do you choose to believe? We’re you a victim of circumstance or was this exactly what needed to happen for you?