Monday, November 16: Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn – where does my expansion from self-worth come from? This could translate into overdoing to please others just to please them. But, Venus having been retrograde this year, and now in Libra, she is reminding us of everything we’ve been through this year that has allowed to get in touch with our sense of worth.

Tuesday, November 17: Mercury in Scorpio square Uranus in Taurus – This happened twice in October – Oct. 7 & 19. Think about what occurred for you on those days that may have come as a surprise; either personally or to those around you. How do you handle uncertainty now? How do you handle that which you can’t control? What makes sense to you now, that is important to you, that didn’t before?

Wednesday, November 18: Moon in Capricorn – comes together with the big guys still in Capricorn – Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. How do we feel about the way we are taking responsibility for our lives now? Especially since we are still under the New Moon influence.

Thursday, November 19: Venus in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn & Sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn – What are our negotiables and non-negotiables? After everything we’ve been through this year, how do we commit to keeping promises to ourselves?

Friday, November 20: Moon in Aquarius –  

Saturday, November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius and Venus enters Scorpio – We enter vibrant Sagittarius energy relieving some heaviness from Scorpio season. But, Venus enters Scorpio, and is there till Dec. 15,  extending the energy a bit, but in a much softer and receptive way.